Healthy Tips & Trade Secrets...

Dec 11, 2016


Jennifer Van Cott

There are few things, other than whole foods from sustainable local farms, that we promote - but bone broth (ok, we're a LITTLE bias here) and Pu-Erh tea (pronounced: Pew-Air) are two of those things we feel very confident to tell you about. I (Jenny, owner) found out about bone broth about a year ago when trying to lessen my recovery time after training hard for half marathons, triathlons, and coaching my girl's cross country running team (Shadle high school - Go Highlanders!). It's paid huge dividends in my running - anyone can follow the same training plan, run the same workouts, pay an experienced coach, but the person who has put in the work AND has been able to recover from it, will have a better race. Always. Hands down. No 'ifs', 'ands', or 'buts'...UNLESS, the recovered person gets hit along the course...or trips & breaks something...or some other freak accident happens. What I'm saying, is recovering properly is what sets you apart from your competitors. If you want to be set apart and kick bootay, bone broth has a place in your daily routine.

You might be turned off, initially, by the name or what it is, but bone broth can be made in a variety of ways. Check out some of our favorite ways here! What happens when you boil down bones from high quality animals - such as the organic beef and chicken bones we use from Egger's Meats Northside Spokane - is that you create a product that is highly-nutrient-dense - you  create collagen. Collagen is the most absorble protein to our bodies and main component of our connective tissue, making up 25% - 35% of our whole body protein content. It's used in the medical industry for injuries and complications to the bones and skin of our bodies. In other words, helps us heal quicker and makes our skin, hair, and fingernails look beautiful and strong! Who doesn't want locks like Troy Polamalu?! 

I love Tim Ferriss (yes, two R's and two S's....thanks for the spellcheck, Chelsea ;) looove you! <3). If you don't know who Tim Ferriss is and you care at all about learning, bettering yourself, or being a business guru and learning from the best & most creative, well, you need to know him! Jump on his podcasts. Most famous for "The Four-Hour Work Week", each podcast he interviews a different expert in their specific field. He compresses how to learn a new language in 8 weeks, tells you how to be the best in the world by listening & learning to the best in the world. My man Tim also introduces us to great products - that I'm sure he gets paid for BUT - he uses and stands behind. Pu-Erh tea was first introduced to me by way of this blog. This tea has an earthy, very subtle taste to it - great with a little creamer, or not. I personally drink it alone and love it! Some have been calling it the "skinny tea", but that's just silly. What I can tell you though, is it has some very beneficial medicinal traits that will fire your metabolism and help heal your gut. These two, together, support weight loss. Pu-Erh tea is a fermented tea and anything fermented creates good bacteria in our gut for us - good bacteria in our gut eat the poopy bacteria and waa-laa, you're clean and your digestive track can work as intended. Tea in general is anti-inflammatory because of high antioxidants. Antioxidants, as a refresher to some, are from plant compounds called phytochemicals - protective layers for our cells from oxidation and therefore free radicals (the things that cause cancer and deadly diseases!). 

And to that wreath in the picture above...Well, that represents family & love & Christmas for me - and for many others. My grandma (we call her 'naa-na') taught my sister-in-law, my sister, and I how to make the most beautiful REAL holly (from her backyard)  wreaths last week. Then we decorated it. This wreath was far more beautiful than any I've seen at a store & made with so much love. It was a reminder to slow down and even though there is always business - a customer emailing, calling...God forbid, complaining - family and those who are there for you are first. Take some time in the coming weeks to breathe in a moment  that you are making into a memory; take note of this moment. These are what you'll remember on your deathbed. But, in the meantime, take care of yourself to get the most out of this life - Pantry Fuel is here to help. 

Happy Holidays -- and always, to your health & happiness <3

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